Several revisions were made throughout the car's production life, including changes to the engine, gearbox, suspension, interior and exterior Officially two variants exist the initial launch model was given the chassis code AP1;Mar 17, 11Honda built two main generations of S00 The AP1 ran from 0003 and the AP2 ran from 0409 The significant differences are primarily in the engine and general appearance Here is a run down8740 honda s00 ap1/2 '9909 rear lower arm bushing (harden rubber) 4pcs/set (without rear lowerfront)
S00 Ap1 Ap2 ホンダでは珍しいfr後輪駆動の車 車情報車大好き
S2000 ap1 ap2 違い
S2000 ap1 ap2 違い-AP2 AP1 AP1 &Mazda Mazda Miata Non

S00 中古車の素晴らしさ 安全 安心な中古車を オーテックプラザ
S00 (ap1130〜0、ap2全車) 遅延機構カットレリーズシリンダー なら、ホンダの中古スポーツカー専門店のケーズアップ。ホンダのスポーツカーの中古車販売・買取・チューニングパーツをはじめ、中古車情報、サーキット走行会の情報まで、スポーツカーの情報が満載のサイトです。HONDAの最高傑作 と言っても過言ではない S00ですが、 AP1とAP2の違い は知っていますか? ? 他のクルマであればマイナーチェンジという形で エンジンまで変わることは無いのですが S00に限ってはエンジンから違います。 前期や後期とも呼ばれることもしばしばありますが 今回はS00のAP1とAP2について詳しく解説していきます。Sep 13, 19Question for the S00 guys Ive been doing research on an S00 as an HPDE car Other than thee AP1 having a l and AP2 having a 22l, the thing I come across the most is the AP1 for what ever reason has an unstable and twitchy rear end compared to the AP2 Cant figure out what exactly the dif
日本国内仕様における車台番号はAP10番台。 05年 11月24日 日本仕様がマイナーモデルチェンジで排気量が22Lとなり、型式がAP1→AP2に変更された。エンジンの最高出力は250→242PSに、許容回転数は9,000→8,000rpmへと落とされたが、低中速のトルクが向上した。Toda Racing Honda S00 Stainless Exhaust System with Straight Titanium Tip 70mm for TODA 235L/24L KIT AP1701 PreOrder $1, Toda Racing Ultra Light Weight Chrome Molly Steel Flywheel S00 AP1 AP2 F/F22C 38KG F000 PreOrderHonda S00 (AP1AP2) specifications versions &
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S00のap1とap2の特性の違い。 ap1の00cc fcエンジン特性と ap2のcc f22cエンジン特性の違い、 エンジン内部構造は、ccアップだけでなく、まったく別物エンジン、 ecuにおいても同じく別物です。(エンジンが違うのですから当然ですが) kaエンジン搭載車両の1,231 talking about this Launched in April 1999 the Honda S00 celebrated Honda's 50th anniversary The SSM was first shown as aMay 02, 18If your AP1's FC engine has some internals show up in the oil filter, an AP2 engine might not be a bad replacement Zygrene is a prolific user of his S00, and of the S2KI forums, so you're probably already familiar with his track and mechanical knowledge of our favorite machines But, recently, a money shift had caused him some trouble when he was at Buttonwillow Raceway

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Types Honda model S00 (AP1AP2) belongs to sports roadster / converible class Represents the S (sport cars) market segment The car was offered with roadster body shapes between the years 1999 and 09 A major change (face lift) during a model run occurred in 03The AP1 is stiffer with slightly different rear suspension geometry that makes the car more unstable/snappy The AP2 has softer spring and roll bar rates as well as a different rear subframe that changes the rear geometry and makes the car more stable Yes the AP2 is softer, however these changes actually make the car quicker around trackS00 ap1・ap2 保安基準適合 ifag リア・キャンバーアジャスターアッパーアームpat(ap1 m/c後・ap2) ※3 税抜90,000円

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Thank you all for watching these vlogs and car videos!With the help of the Bay Area S2KI community, let's take a look back at the car that made motorheads of all ages fall in love with HondaCopyrightfree musicS00 (AP1 / AP2) Integra Type R (DC5) Hyundai Genesis Coupe;

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タイプs限定カラーのアペックスブルーのs00 Ap2 の納車前点検整備を行いました
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I drove an ap1 for 67 years and loved every bit of it just about a year ago i sold it and bought an ap2 while i really enjoy the extra power the ap2 has, i enjoyed driving the ap1 a lot more the extra rpm's are nice, and it just felt so much more raw compared to the ap223 AP1 OEM Suspension Struts and springs full assembled with top hats, no leaks $175 Text me for pictures and for more information May have other parts that aren't listed, just let me know what you're looking for Honda S00 AP1 AP2 00 09 CR S2K CIVIC SI NSX EP3 ACURA INTEGRA TYPE R K K24 TSX RSX HONDATACollection S00 AP1/AP2 Vehicles 14 products Sort Mugen Sports Exhaust System AP1 AP2 # Mugen Sports Exhaust System AP1 AP2 # Vendor MUGEN Regular price ¥216,000 Sale price ¥216,000 Sale Mugen Sports Exhaust System AP1 # Mugen Sports Exhaust System AP1 #

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Ap10はカウンター操作が慌ただしいです。 それに比べap2100用は コントロール幅が広くカウンターが一定に決まります。 ソリッドでカートのような動きを求める人ならap1 滑ってからのコントロールを楽しみたい人ならap2 私はap2用に決めました。Suspension Bushings Suspension Bushings S00 AP1 AP2 $ Hardrace Front Lower Arm Bushings (Pillow Ball) Honda S00 6870 by Suspension Bushings Category S00 AP1 AP2 $ Hardrace Rear Upper Arm Bushings (Pillow Ball) Honda S00 AP2 7411あくまでホンダVTECエンジン (高回転エンジン)の究極ともいえるFCの持つ上り詰めるような高揚感、刺激性、それを知り一度はまるとAP2のF22Cなど乗ってられないと思えるほど虜になれるのはAP1以外ありえない。 AP2はあくまで「ロードスターのホンダ版」と言う別の車と見るべし、これは「どちらが良い」という問題ではナイ。 とにかくS00はAP1ファンの視点で見れば

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0009 HONDA S00 AP1 AP2 Sort By Sort By Sort Sort By Featured Items;AP2 Type OS Type ALC 32mm 172% over OEM Steel Construction Hollow F lo B aUnder$ 40 38 2 A St , Ch si m Lower Arm Bar Rear $1 380 476 $374 0 Front $000 380 477 A Front 380 311 A32 Sway Bar Rear 38 0B $ 380 535 A Carbon Strut Tower Brace $000Lotus 0612 Elise / Exige;

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Though cosmetically similar, the facelifted version, known as the AP2 in North America and Japan, incorporated significant changes to the drivetrain and suspension Production of the S00 ceased on August 19th 09 The Honda S0013 product ratings For 0009 HONDA S00 S2K AP1 AP2 OE STYLE SIDE SKIRTS SILL STRAKES CORNERS $9476 Buy It Now Free shipping 125 sold Watch S S C P P p o n 6 s Q 5 o 0 N r e T d For 0409 Honda AP2 S00 Front Bumper Flat Chin Splitter Bottom Lip Diffuser (Fits S00) Brand New 30 out of 5 starsToda Racing Honda S00 Stainless Exhaust System with Straight Titanium Tip 70mm for TODA 235L/24L KIT AP1701 PreOrder $1, Toda Racing Ultra Light Weight Chrome Molly Steel Flywheel S00 AP1 AP2 F/F22C 38KG F000 PreOrder

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